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Allyn Friedrichsen's Jobs at VibrantCare Rehabilitation
Director of Recruiting | VibrantCare Rehabilitation

About Company

What makes you an industry expert for VibrantCare Rehabilitation?

Five years plus experience with VibrantCare Rehabilitation.


Describe an ideal candidate for VibrantCare Rehabilitation?

Some who is passionate about working in outpatient physical therapy.


What separates VibrantCare Rehabilitation from its competitors?

Our VISION: To BE the BEST rehab provider in the communities that we serve! The VibrantCare Way is to provide optimal outcomes while also providing a SUPERIOR PATIENT EXPERIENCE!


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

Strong understanding of the position, benefits and company culture!


What gets you most excited about VibrantCare Rehabilitation?

Finding talented individuals to join our TEAM!


What does it take to be successful at VibrantCare Rehabilitation?

Our motto is ONE TEAM, ONE VISION as a way of reminding everyone that our COLLECTIVE SUCCESS depends on all TEAM Members!