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Corning, NY Salary

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Total 562 Salaries. Sorted by Company, page 8
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Jobtitle Company Salary City Year
Business Development Analyst Corning $ 110,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Business Development Analyst Corning $ 100,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Strategic Project Manager Corning $ 110,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Strategy Analyst Corning $ 110,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Advanced Process Controls Engineer Corning $ 84,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Business & Strategic Analysis Manager Corning $ 124,902 Corning, NY, 14830 04/29/2015
Process Simulation Scientist Corning $ 95,368 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Business & Strategic Analysis Manager Corning $ 124,902 Corning, NY, 14830 04/29/2015
Development Scientist Corning $ 85,000 Corning, NY, 14830 08/29/2015
Strategic Sourcing Manager Corning $ 128,398 Corning, NY, 14830 04/01/2015
Research Scientist Corning $ 90,626 Corning, NY, 14830 09/19/2015
Senior Process Modeling Engineer-fracture Mechanics Corning $ 93,975 Corning, NY, 14830 06/25/2015
Sr. Process Modeling Engineer-structural Dynamics Corning $ 95,579 Corning, NY, 14830 06/24/2015
Senior Process Simulation Engineer Corning $ 92,685 Corning, NY, 14830 06/15/2015
Process Electrical Engineer Corning $ 75,348 Corning, NY, 14830 10/01/2015
Process Engineering Supervisor Corning $ 137,200 Corning, NY, 14830 10/29/2015
Senior Project Engineer Corning $ 101,055 Corning, NY, 14830 12/09/2015
Fusion Process Engineer Corning $ 95,030 Corning, NY, 14830 09/27/2015
Robotics/automation Engineer Corning $ 108,051 Corning, NY, 14830 12/19/2015
Development Scientist Corning $ 83,896 Corning, NY, 14830 09/14/2015
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