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Chadwyck Edwards's Jobs at SquareTrade
Recruiter | SquareTrade
"Well done is better than well said."

About Company
Striving to provide the best candidate experience through communication and transparency.

Describe an ideal candidate for SquareTrade?

The ideal candidate will be Customer Obsessed. We need candidates who puts the customer first and will do whatever it takes to serve the needs of our customers.


What separates SquareTrade from its competitors?

Speed of service and customer service. We have proven that you do not have to sacrifice customer service in the name of speed.


What additional value do you provide your candidates?

We are an employee centric organization. We strive to show our employees they are valued by providing breakfast, lunch, video game consoles, casual work environment, among many other perks! We truly value our employees.


What gets you most excited about SquareTrade?

The culture at SquareTrade is second to none. We are an organization with a startup vibe while being a very strong company. It's a very collaborative environment.


What does it take to be successful at SquareTrade?

Adhering to our core values. You to have a passion for customer service, the ability to innovate, the entrepreneurial spirit, make an impact, and last but not least do it all with integrity.