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Merced, CA Salary

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Total 183 Salaries. Sorted by Company, page 4
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Jobtitle Company Salary City Year
Nurse Practitioner Golden Valley Health Centers $ 110,000 Merced, CA, 95340 04/01/2018
Nurse Practitioner Golden Valley Health Centers $ 110,000 Merced, CA, 95340 05/01/2018
Pediatrician Golden Valley Health Centers $ 195,000 Merced, CA, 95340 07/01/2018
Director Of Quality Improvement Golden Valley Health Centers $ 103,833 Merced, CA, 95340 12/21/2017
Manager, Regional Engineering - West Greif $ 104,187 Merced, CA, 95340 01/01/2018
Programmer Analyst Intelliswift Software $ 60,000 Merced, CA, 95340 05/17/2013
Programmer Analyst Intelliswift Software $ 61,984 Merced, CA, 95340 05/17/2013
Physical Therapist Interface Rehab $ 114,400 Merced, CA, 95340 09/06/2016
Physical Therapist Interface Rehab $ 114,400 Merced, CA, 95340 09/15/2016
Speech Language Pathologist Interface Rehab $ 102,960 Merced, CA, 95340 10/05/2015
Physical Therapist Interface Rehab $ 124,800 Merced, CA, 95340 06/15/2017
Physical Therapist Interface Rehab $ 114,400 Merced, CA, 95340 03/01/2018
Occupational Therapist Interface Rehab $ 87,360 Merced, CA, 95340 09/10/2018
Computer Systems Engineer 4 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $ 155,580 Merced, CA, 95340 08/21/2013
Computer Systems Engineer Iv Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory $ 167,856 Merced, CA, 95340 08/21/2016
Assistant Project Manager Mccarthy Building Companies $ 100,547 Merced, CA, 95340 07/31/2013
Nurse Trainer Morta Security $ 115,500 Merced, CA, 95340 12/13/2013
Occupational Therapist National Staffing Solutions $ 65,686 Merced, CA, 95340 06/14/2014
Senior Sustainability Consultant Northmore Gordon $ 75,000 Merced, CA, 95340 05/15/2017
Construction Cost Project Advisor Nowkash $ 100,000 Merced, CA, 95340 05/24/2018
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