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Imetris Salary

  • 75
  • 36
  • 86
Imetris average salary is $65,722, median salary is $61,000 with a salary range from $40,000 to $117,000.
Imetris salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Imetris salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 330 Imetris Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Software Developer 101,000-101,000 SALINE, MI, 48176 2019 Imetris Software Developer Salaries (10)
Imetris SALINE, MI Salaries
Software Developer 106,000-106,000 Charlotte, NC, 28201 2019 Imetris Software Developer Salaries (10)
Imetris Charlotte, NC Salaries
Systems Analyst 117,000-117,000 Santa Clara, CA, 95050 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Santa Clara, CA Salaries
Systems Analyst 82,000-94,000 SALINE, MI, 48176 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris SALINE, MI Salaries
Systems Analyst 75,000-75,000 Sterling Heights, MI, 48310 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Sterling Heights, MI Salaries
Systems Analyst 79,000-79,000 Minneapolis, MN, 55401 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Minneapolis, MN Salaries
Systems Analyst 78,000-93,000 Charlotte, NC, 28201 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Charlotte, NC Salaries
Systems Analyst 66,000-66,000 Keene, NH, 03431 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Keene, NH Salaries
Systems Analyst 74,000-74,000 Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Poughkeepsie, NY Salaries
Systems Analyst 73,000-73,000 Nashville, TN, 37201 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Nashville, TN Salaries
Systems Analyst 88,000-88,000 Austin, TX, 73301 2018 Imetris Systems Analyst Salaries (239)
Imetris Austin, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 79,000-79,000 Sterling Heights, MI, 48310 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris Sterling Heights, MI Salaries
Software Engineer 79,000-94,000 Minneapolis, MN, 55401 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris Minneapolis, MN Salaries
Software Engineer 91,000-91,000 Irving, TX, 75014 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris Irving, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 91,000-91,000 Plano, TX, 75023 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris Plano, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 84,000-84,000 San Antonio, TX, 78201 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris San Antonio, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 93,000-93,000 Ashburn, VA, 20146 2018 Imetris Software Engineer Salaries (116)
Imetris Ashburn, VA Salaries
Business Systems Analyst 64,000-64,000 Scotts Valley, CA, 95066 2018 Imetris Business Systems Analyst Salaries (18)
Imetris Scotts Valley, CA Salaries
Software Developer 84,000-84,000 Chesterfield, MO, 63005 2018 Imetris Software Developer Salaries (10)
Imetris Chesterfield, MO Salaries
Software Developer 106,000-106,000 Keene, NH, 03431 2018 Imetris Software Developer Salaries (10)
Imetris Keene, NH Salaries
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Imetris salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Imetris... Information
  • Imetris Corporation
  • Industry: Other
  • City: Ann Arbor, MI
  • For over 4 years, Imetris Corporation has been providing services to the automotive industry. We are aware of the intricacies and special needs of automotive manufacturers and have the ability and knowledge necessary to recruit qualified candidates for each project. As an Information Technology service provider, Imetris Corporation understands how technology ties into the manufacturing environment and the role it plays on the manufacturing floor. Due to our vast experience, Imetris consultants are educated and well-versed in automotive technologies. We teach them how best to fit into the automotive manufacturing environment, shortening the learning curve that comes with any new