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Isoftstone Salary

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Isoftstone average salary is $83,147, median salary is $82,000 with a salary range from $49,000 to $135,000.
Isoftstone salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Isoftstone salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 56 Isoftstone Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
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Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Software Development Engineer 75,130-75,130 New York, NY, 10001 2019 Isoftstone Software Development Engineer Salaries (11)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Software Development Engineer 71,510-75,130 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Isoftstone Software Development Engineer Salaries (11)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Senior Technical Project Manager 112,549-112,549 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2018 Isoftstone Senior Technical Project Manager Salaries (3)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Finance Analyst 63,614-63,614 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2018 Isoftstone Finance Analyst Salaries (2)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Financial Analyst/accountant 62,171-62,171 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2018 Isoftstone Financial Analyst/accountant Salaries (2)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Software Development Engineer 71,000-72,000 New York, NY, 10001 2017 Isoftstone Software Development Engineer Salaries (11)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Senior Software Development Engineer 130,000-130,000 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2017 Isoftstone Senior Software Development Engineer Salaries (7)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Business Analyst 64,813-64,813 New York, NY, 10001 2017 Isoftstone Business Analyst Salaries (6)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Computer Programmer 55,910-55,910 New York, NY, 10001 2017 Isoftstone Computer Programmer Salaries (1)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Erp System Analyst 62,800-62,800 New York, NY, 10001 2017 Isoftstone Erp System Analyst Salaries (1)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Project Manager 62,400-62,400 Charlottesville, VA, 22901 2017 Isoftstone Project Manager Salaries (1)
Isoftstone Charlottesville, VA Salaries
Sr. Software Development Engineer 112,549-112,549 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2017 Isoftstone Sr. Software Development Engineer Salaries (1)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Sr. Technical Project Manager 89,669-89,669 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2017 Isoftstone Sr. Technical Project Manager Salaries (1)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Software Development Engineer 72,010-72,010 New York, NY, 10001 2016 Isoftstone Software Development Engineer Salaries (11)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Software Development Engineer 89,669-89,669 Redmond, WA, 98052 2016 Isoftstone Software Development Engineer Salaries (11)
Isoftstone Redmond, WA Salaries
Senior Software Development Engineer 110,250-110,250 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2016 Isoftstone Senior Software Development Engineer Salaries (7)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Business Analyst 62,000-62,000 New York, NY, 10001 2016 Isoftstone Business Analyst Salaries (6)
Isoftstone New York, NY Salaries
Account Director 92,539-92,539 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2016 Isoftstone Account Director Salaries (5)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Computer Technical & Security Specialist 63,190-63,190 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2016 Isoftstone Computer Technical & Security Specialist Salaries (2)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
Data Scientist 90,000-90,000 Kirkland, WA, 98033 2016 Isoftstone Data Scientist Salaries (1)
Isoftstone Kirkland, WA Salaries
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Isoftstone salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Isoftstone... Information
  • iSoftStone Inc
  • Industry: Other
  • City: Ashland, MA
  • iSoftStone Information Service Corporation (iSoftStone) is a leading IT outsourcing service provider in China. Headquartered in Beijing, China, iSoftStone has offices in the United States, Japan, Korea, as well as Chinese presence in Shanghai, Dalian, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuxi, Guangzhou, and Nanjing. iSoftStone is a CMMI Level 5 company and has been certified with ISO9001 and ISO27001(BS7799). iSoftStone provides IT outsourcing services to clients in US, Europe, Japan, Korea and China . iSoftStone focuses on several vertical capabilities in Financial Services, Tel-communications, and Hi-tech industries. The other industries include Oil/Energy, Transportation/Logistics and Power Supply, etc. iSoftStone has built software development...