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Ntrust Infotech Salary

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Ntrust Infotech average salary is $64,412, median salary is $62,317 with a salary range from $39,146 to $109,325.
Ntrust Infotech salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Ntrust Infotech salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 32 Ntrust Infotech Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Sr. Programmer Analyst 80,000-80,000 Irvine, CA, 92602 2019 Ntrust Infotech Sr. Programmer Analyst Salaries (10)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 76,731-80,000 Irvine, CA, 92602 2018 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Sr. Programmer Analyst 80,000-87,000 Irvine, CA, 92602 2018 Ntrust Infotech Sr. Programmer Analyst Salaries (10)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Sr. Programmer Analyst 80,000-80,000 Torrance, CA, 90501 2018 Ntrust Infotech Sr. Programmer Analyst Salaries (10)
Ntrust Infotech Torrance, CA Salaries
Software Developer 100,000-109,325 Irvine, CA, 92602 2018 Ntrust Infotech Software Developer Salaries (2)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Project Lead 80,000-80,000 Irvine, CA, 92602 2018 Ntrust Infotech Project Lead Salaries (1)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 41,870-85,000 Irvine, CA, 92602 2017 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 64,000-64,000 Ann Arbor, MI, 48103 2017 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Ann Arbor, MI Salaries
Software Engineer 78,083-78,083 Irving, TX, 75014 2017 Ntrust Infotech Software Engineer Salaries (2)
Ntrust Infotech Irving, TX Salaries
Programmer Analyst 39,146-82,202 Irvine, CA, 92602 2016 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Business Analyst 53,498-53,498 Irvine, CA, 92602 2016 Ntrust Infotech Business Analyst Salaries (1)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 46,821-74,922 Irvine, CA, 92602 2015 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Computer Programmer 46,821-46,821 Irvine, CA, 92602 2015 Ntrust Infotech Computer Programmer Salaries (3)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 62,088-76,232 Irvine, CA, 92602 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irvine, CA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 60,000-60,000 Waukegan, IL, 60079 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Waukegan, IL Salaries
Programmer Analyst 68,869-68,869 Natick, MA, 01760 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Natick, MA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 60,000-60,000 Irving, TX, 75014 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Irving, TX Salaries
Programmer Analyst 69,098-69,098 Redmond, WA, 98052 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Redmond, WA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 69,098-69,098 Renton, WA, 98055 2014 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Renton, WA Salaries
Programmer Analyst 61,131-61,131 Burbank, CA, 91501 2013 Ntrust Infotech Programmer Analyst Salaries (134)
Ntrust Infotech Burbank, CA Salaries
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Ntrust Infotech salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Ntrust Infotech... Information
  • NTrust Infotech
  • Industry: Real Estate
  • City: Cerritos, CA
  • NTrust provides creative and customized staffing solutions to meet the challenges of our clients' ever changing information systems environment. NTrust helps the client organization to source IT professionals for short term or long term needs to fulfill generic requirements, to manage project peaks and to fulfill specialized skill requirements. We understand the critical nature of your IT systems Operations. The position - contract or regular, must be filled with the right candidate the first time. That's why we extensively qualify all our candidates and discuss your environment at length. Idle overhead, benefits, training, recruiting, relocation, and turnover all add to