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Structure Tone Salary

  • 54
  • 25
  • 72
Structure Tone average salary is $81,112, median salary is $76,482 with a salary range from $54,933 to $128,814.
Structure Tone salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Structure Tone salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 19 Structure Tone Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Estimator 62,525-79,061 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Structure Tone Estimator Salaries (10)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Virtual Modeling Coordinator 76,128-76,128 Boston, MA, 02101 2018 Structure Tone Virtual Modeling Coordinator Salaries (4)
Structure Tone Boston, MA Salaries
Project Superintendent 107,390-107,390 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Structure Tone Project Superintendent Salaries (3)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Estimator 76,482-76,482 Woodbridge, NJ, 07095 2016 Structure Tone Estimator Salaries (10)
Structure Tone Woodbridge, NJ Salaries
Superintendent 108,160-108,160 New York, NY, 10001 2016 Structure Tone Superintendent Salaries (4)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Project Superintendent 108,160-108,160 New York, NY, 10001 2016 Structure Tone Project Superintendent Salaries (3)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Virtual Modeling Coordinator 62,296-62,296 Boston, MA, 02101 2015 Structure Tone Virtual Modeling Coordinator Salaries (4)
Structure Tone Boston, MA Salaries
Rotational Project Engineer 62,546-62,546 New York, NY, 10001 2015 Structure Tone Rotational Project Engineer Salaries (2)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Business Systems Analyst - Oracle Programmer 126,422-126,422 New York, NY, 10001 2015 Structure Tone Business Systems Analyst - Oracle Programmer Salaries (1)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Rotational Project Engineer 61,526-61,526 New York, NY, 10001 2014 Structure Tone Rotational Project Engineer Salaries (2)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Marketing Coordinator 60,029-60,029 New York, NY, 10001 2014 Structure Tone Marketing Coordinator Salaries (1)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Estimator 59,717-89,710 Woodbridge, NJ, 07095 2013 Structure Tone Estimator Salaries (10)
Structure Tone Woodbridge, NJ Salaries
Estimator 97,531-97,531 New York, NY, 10001 2013 Structure Tone Estimator Salaries (10)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Estimator 83,221-83,221 Arlington, VA, 22201 2013 Structure Tone Estimator Salaries (10)
Structure Tone Arlington, VA Salaries
Superintendent 54,933-85,238 New York, NY, 10001 2013 Structure Tone Superintendent Salaries (4)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Project Superintendent 101,150-101,150 New York, NY, 10001 2013 Structure Tone Project Superintendent Salaries (3)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
Virtual Modeling Coordinator 58,677-58,677 Boston, MA, 02101 2012 Structure Tone Virtual Modeling Coordinator Salaries (4)
Structure Tone Boston, MA Salaries
Account Executive 128,814-128,814 Boston, MA, 02101 2012 Structure Tone Account Executive Salaries (1)
Structure Tone Boston, MA Salaries
Systems Analyst 89,939-89,939 New York, NY, 10001 2012 Structure Tone Systems Analyst Salaries (1)
Structure Tone New York, NY Salaries
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Structure Tone salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Structure Tone... Information
  • Structure Tone
  • Industry: Construction Services
  • City: New York, NY
  • The Structure Tone Organization is meeting the challenge of the changing face of the building industry head on. The Structure Tone Organization, consisting of six privately held companies, Structure Tone Inc., Structure Tone International, Constructors & Associates, Pavarini Construction, Pavarini McGovern and ST TECH Services, Inc., provides project management, construction management and general contracting services to our clients with a level of expertise, service and commitment unparalleled in the industry. The firm offers a complete scope of construction services ranging from interior fit-out and refurbishment, "out of the ground" core and shell, and infrastructure projects, as market leaders in commercial