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Texas Instruments Salary

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Texas Instruments average salary is $103,787, median salary is $101,000 with a salary range from $54,704 to $237,000.
Texas Instruments salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Texas Instruments salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 566 Texas Instruments Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Analog Design Engineer 129,563-129,563 Santa Clara, CA, 95050 2019 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Santa Clara, CA Salaries
Digital Design Engineer 117,000-122,600 Dallas, TX, 75201 2019 Texas Instruments Digital Design Engineer Salaries (164)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 118,000-137,500 Dallas, TX, 75201 2019 Texas Instruments Software Engineer Salaries (83)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Analog Design Manager 160,500-160,500 Dallas, TX, 75201 2019 Texas Instruments Analog Design Manager Salaries (23)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Validation/characterization Engineer 95,750-95,750 Tucson, AZ, 85701 2019 Texas Instruments Validation/characterization Engineer Salaries (12)
Texas Instruments Tucson, AZ Salaries
Reliability Engineer 144,336-144,336 Dallas, TX, 75201 2019 Texas Instruments Reliability Engineer Salaries (4)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 88,103-140,000 Phoenix, AZ, 85001 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Phoenix, AZ Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 86,944-113,000 Tucson, AZ, 85701 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Tucson, AZ Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 99,000-99,000 Grass Valley, CA, 95945 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Grass Valley, CA Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 99,887-150,000 Santa Clara, CA, 95050 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Santa Clara, CA Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 83,004-86,004 Duluth, GA, 30026 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Duluth, GA Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 89,814-110,280 Manchester, NH, 03101 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Manchester, NH Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 83,762-140,000 Dallas, TX, 75201 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Analog Design Engineer 135,000-145,000 Federal Way, WA, 98003 2018 Texas Instruments Analog Design Engineer Salaries (335)
Texas Instruments Federal Way, WA Salaries
Digital Design Engineer 107,890-175,000 Santa Clara, CA, 95050 2018 Texas Instruments Digital Design Engineer Salaries (164)
Texas Instruments Santa Clara, CA Salaries
Digital Design Engineer 87,672-87,672 Cary, NC, 27511 2018 Texas Instruments Digital Design Engineer Salaries (164)
Texas Instruments Cary, NC Salaries
Digital Design Engineer 83,762-144,600 Dallas, TX, 75201 2018 Texas Instruments Digital Design Engineer Salaries (164)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Applications Engineer 106,891-126,800 Dallas, TX, 75201 2018 Texas Instruments Applications Engineer Salaries (139)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
Applications Engineer 132,000-132,000 Sugar Land, TX, 77478 2018 Texas Instruments Applications Engineer Salaries (139)
Texas Instruments Sugar Land, TX Salaries
Product Engineer 93,012-105,000 Dallas, TX, 75201 2018 Texas Instruments Product Engineer Salaries (110)
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX Salaries
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Texas Instruments salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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