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Thedacare Salary

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Thedacare average salary is $323,055, median salary is $233,120 with a salary range from $180,003 to $650,000.
Thedacare salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Thedacare salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 20 Thedacare Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Hospitalist 261,000-261,000 Appleton, WI, 54911 2018 Thedacare Hospitalist Salaries (8)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Oncology Physician 500,000-500,000 Appleton, WI, 54911 2018 Thedacare Medical Oncology Physician Salaries (4)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Oncology Physician 500,000-500,000 New London, WI, 54961 2018 Thedacare Medical Oncology Physician Salaries (4)
Thedacare New London, WI Salaries
Nocturnist 321,110-321,110 Appleton, WI, 54911 2018 Thedacare Nocturnist Salaries (1)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Oncologist 187,200-187,200 Appleton, WI, 54911 2017 Thedacare Medical Oncologist Salaries (2)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Oncologist 187,200-187,200 Neenah, WI, 54956 2017 Thedacare Medical Oncologist Salaries (2)
Thedacare Neenah, WI Salaries
Family Practice Physician 187,200-187,200 Appleton, WI, 54911 2016 Thedacare Family Practice Physician Salaries (5)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Family Practice Physician 187,200-187,200 Black Creek, WI, 54106 2016 Thedacare Family Practice Physician Salaries (5)
Thedacare Black Creek, WI Salaries
Family Practice Physician 187,200-187,200 Menasha, WI, 54952 2016 Thedacare Family Practice Physician Salaries (5)
Thedacare Menasha, WI Salaries
Hospitalist 270,000-321,100 Appleton, WI, 54911 2015 Thedacare Hospitalist Salaries (8)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Hematology/oncology Physician 500,000-500,000 Appleton, WI, 54911 2015 Thedacare Medical Hematology/oncology Physician Salaries (3)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Hematology/oncology Physician 500,000-500,000 Berlin, WI, 54923 2015 Thedacare Medical Hematology/oncology Physician Salaries (3)
Thedacare Berlin, WI Salaries
Medical Hematology/oncology Physician 500,000-500,000 Neenah, WI, 54956 2015 Thedacare Medical Hematology/oncology Physician Salaries (3)
Thedacare Neenah, WI Salaries
Hospitalist 233,120-233,120 Appleton, WI, 54911 2014 Thedacare Hospitalist Salaries (8)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Hospitalist 233,120-233,120 Neenah, WI, 54956 2014 Thedacare Hospitalist Salaries (8)
Thedacare Neenah, WI Salaries
Family Practice Physician 180,003-180,003 Hilbert, WI, 54129 2014 Thedacare Family Practice Physician Salaries (5)
Thedacare Hilbert, WI Salaries
Family Practice Physician 180,003-180,003 Menasha, WI, 54952 2014 Thedacare Family Practice Physician Salaries (5)
Thedacare Menasha, WI Salaries
Medical Oncology Physician 650,000-650,000 Appleton, WI, 54911 2014 Thedacare Medical Oncology Physician Salaries (4)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
Medical Oncology Physician 650,000-650,000 Shawano, WI, 54166 2014 Thedacare Medical Oncology Physician Salaries (4)
Thedacare Shawano, WI Salaries
Hospitalist 228,550-228,550 Appleton, WI, 54911 2013 Thedacare Hospitalist Salaries (8)
Thedacare Appleton, WI Salaries
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Thedacare salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Thedacare... Information
  • ThedaCare Inc
  • Industry: Other
  • City: Appleton, WI
  • ThedaCare At Work provides a unique choice for companies and their employees when it comes to occupational health, employee assistance, and health and productivity needs. With a comprehensive blend of customized programs, ThedaCare At Work addresses the unique needs of each company, thereby reducing unnecessary services and costs. By providing high-quality and timely care, our goal is to return the employee to their optimal functioning level. This helps companies reduce expenses related to employee downtime from work-related injury, personal issues and other health-related productivity issues. Working together we can minimize workersa€ compensation, injury claims, medical expenses, absenteeism, and lost productivity