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Trigent Software Salary

  • 74
  • 14
  • 94
Trigent Software average salary is $72,073, median salary is $67,500 with a salary range from $65,000 to $100,000.
Trigent Software salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Trigent Software salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 15 Trigent Software Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Software Programmer 75,067-75,067 Southborough, MA, 01772 2018 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Southborough, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 100,000-100,000 Southborough, MA, 01772 2017 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Southborough, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 68,000-68,000 Fox River Grove, IL, 60021 2016 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Fox River Grove, IL Salaries
Software Programmer 85,000-85,000 Chelmsford, MA, 01824 2016 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Chelmsford, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 68,000-88,565 Southborough, MA, 01772 2016 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Southborough, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 Fox River Grove, IL, 60021 2015 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Fox River Grove, IL Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 Southborough, MA, 01772 2015 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Southborough, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 Rocky Hill, CT, 06067 2014 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Rocky Hill, CT Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 SOUTHBOROUGH, MA, 01745 2014 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software SOUTHBOROUGH, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 92,519-92,519 New Providence, NJ, 07974 2014 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software New Providence, NJ Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 Tampa, FL, 33601 2013 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Tampa, FL Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-92,519 SOUTHBOROUGH, MA, 01745 2013 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software SOUTHBOROUGH, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 80,000-80,000 Westford, MA, 01886 2013 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Westford, MA Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-65,000 New Providence, NJ, 07974 2013 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software New Providence, NJ Salaries
Software Programmer 65,000-67,500 Southborough, MA, 01772 2012 Trigent Software Software Programmer Salaries (28)
Trigent Software Southborough, MA Salaries
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Trigent Software salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Trigent Software... Information
  • Trigent Software, Inc
  • Industry: Software Consulting
  • City: Southborough, MA
  • Trigent provides outsourced software services and solutions designed to help businesses to overcome limits ¨C of time, of technology, of resources ¨C to meet business goals. Begun in 1991 as Technology Resources International (TRI), Trigent has over a decade of experience delivering on-time, on-budget solutions to software providers and enterprise organizations around the globe. Some of our clients include PlaceWare, International Truck and Engine Corporation, and ETS.