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Ait Global Salary

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Ait Global average salary is $81,511, median salary is $75,000 with a salary range from $50,000 to $188,000.
Ait Global salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Ait Global salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 343 Ait Global Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
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Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Senior Software Engineer 125,000-125,000 New York, NY, 10001 2019 Ait Global Senior Software Engineer Salaries (3)
Ait Global New York, NY Salaries
Software Engineer 75,000-75,000 Conway, AR, 72032 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Conway, AR Salaries
Software Engineer 90,000-90,000 Sacramento, CA, 94203 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Sacramento, CA Salaries
Software Engineer 112,000-112,000 San Jose, CA, 95101 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global San Jose, CA Salaries
Software Engineer 112,000-112,000 Sunnyvale, CA, 94086 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Sunnyvale, CA Salaries
Software Engineer 93,000-93,000 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Norwalk, CT Salaries
Software Engineer 90,000-90,000 Northbrook, IL, 60062 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Northbrook, IL Salaries
Software Engineer 95,000-100,000 Jersey City, NJ, 07097 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Jersey City, NJ Salaries
Software Engineer 93,000-93,000 Middletown, NJ, 07748 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Middletown, NJ Salaries
Software Engineer 95,000-95,000 Secaucus, NJ, 07094 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Secaucus, NJ Salaries
Software Engineer 93,000-93,000 Harrison, NY, 10528 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Harrison, NY Salaries
Software Engineer 95,000-95,000 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global New York, NY Salaries
Software Engineer 100,000-100,000 Philadelphia, PA, 19019 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Philadelphia, PA Salaries
Software Engineer 95,000-95,000 Katy, TX, 77449 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Katy, TX Salaries
Software Engineer 96,000-96,000 Olympia, WA, 98501 2018 Ait Global Software Engineer Salaries (50)
Ait Global Olympia, WA Salaries
Business Analyst 58,000-58,000 Columbia, SC, 29201 2018 Ait Global Business Analyst Salaries (17)
Ait Global Columbia, SC Salaries
Software Developer 72,000-95,000 Jersey City, NJ, 07097 2018 Ait Global Software Developer Salaries (16)
Ait Global Jersey City, NJ Salaries
Software Developer 72,000-93,000 Matawan, NJ, 07747 2018 Ait Global Software Developer Salaries (16)
Ait Global Matawan, NJ Salaries
Software Developer 95,000-95,000 Purchase, NY, 10577 2018 Ait Global Software Developer Salaries (16)
Ait Global Purchase, NY Salaries
Software Architect 90,000-115,000 Maryland Heights, MO, 63043 2018 Ait Global Software Architect Salaries (7)
Ait Global Maryland Heights, MO Salaries
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Ait Global salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Ait Global... Information
  • AIT Global Inc
  • Industry: Associations
  • City: Kings Park, NY
  • AIT provides an important service by bringing technology leaders together to share their knowledge and experience with the UN Ambassadors - particularly those of developing nations that have so much to gain from the smart use of information technology. MARTIN CRAVATTA, INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGER AND CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER FOR THE AMERICAS, SIEMENS CORP.:AIT Conferences provide a fantastic opportunity to discuss (InfoSec) topics with the global community, which includes Ambassadors, Heads of State, and Information Security Executives from the private sector. These conferences produce a profound exposure for your practice, corporation or government. AMY MACDONNELL, TECHNOLOGY PRACTICE GROUP