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Priceline.com Salary

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Priceline.com average salary is $90,459, median salary is $87,984 with a salary range from $42,120 to $169,458.
Priceline.com salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Priceline.com salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 137 Priceline.com Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Software Engineer 87,984-96,366 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Software Engineer Salaries (72)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Software Engineer 92,768-96,366 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Software Engineer Salaries (72)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Senior Software Engineer 97,600-115,835 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Senior Software Engineer Salaries (52)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Senior Software Engineer 114,026-117,624 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Senior Software Engineer Salaries (52)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Associate Software Engineer 79,123-87,984 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Associate Software Engineer Salaries (32)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Associate Software Engineer 92,768-92,768 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Associate Software Engineer Salaries (32)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Business Analyst 52,478-52,478 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Business Analyst Salaries (13)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Data Scientist 111,051-111,051 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Data Scientist Salaries (5)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Principal Software Engineer 134,805-134,805 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Principal Software Engineer Salaries (5)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Senior Business Analyst 77,126-77,126 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Senior Business Analyst Salaries (5)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Senior Business Analyst 88,317-88,317 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Senior Business Analyst Salaries (5)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Senior Etl Informatica Developer 97,600-97,600 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Senior Etl Informatica Developer Salaries (4)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Senior Front End Developer 114,026-114,026 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Senior Front End Developer Salaries (4)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Qa Automation Analyst 79,123-79,123 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Qa Automation Analyst Salaries (2)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Quantitative Developer 97,600-97,600 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Priceline.com Quantitative Developer Salaries (2)
Priceline.com New York, NY Salaries
Senior Reporting Engineer 111,100-111,100 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Senior Reporting Engineer Salaries (2)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Director, Consumer Risk Management 131,768-131,768 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Director, Consumer Risk Management Salaries (1)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Director, Hotels Data Analysis & Reporting 105,768-105,768 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Director, Hotels Data Analysis & Reporting Salaries (1)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Director, Mobile Architecture & Site X 161,512-161,512 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Director, Mobile Architecture & Site X Salaries (1)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
Manager Of Pricing & Analytics, Rental Cars 79,123-79,123 Norwalk, CT, 06850 2018 Priceline.com Manager Of Pricing & Analytics, Rental Cars Salaries (1)
Priceline.com Norwalk, CT Salaries
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Priceline.com salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Priceline.com... Information
  • priceline.com Incorporated
  • Industry: Internet Software
  • City: Norwalk, CT
  • priceline.com Incorporated is the provider of an e-commerce pricing system, known as a demand collection system, which enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a range of products and services, while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using its consumer proposition, Name Your Own Price, the Company collects consumer demand, in the form of individual customer offers, for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer. The Company then either communicates that demand directly to participating sellers or accesses a proprietary database of inventory available to priceline.com for purchase and, based upon the